Anti Spam Policy
We have a zero-tolerance policy with regard to the use of “spam” methods of communication where unsolicited bulk or indiscriminate messages are sent for commercial advantage.
All messages are sent by members of our team manually and do not use any automated processes. This allows us to ensure that we match at all stages the antispam policy.
If you send us material that we believe to be spam, it can result in your IP address or domain name being blacklisted.
We send a daily news feed. This feed Is monitored and sent to you if you have requested it, and we have an established relationship.
We take no responsibility if you are receiving the material via a divert from a group email address that you or your company or organisation has supplied us with. You will need to contact your administrator to have yourself removed from the group email.
We also pass on news from accredited media partners which is vetted by our in-house editorial team to make sure it is independent reporting and not commercial messaging.
If you wish to discontinue this relationship please email us on requesting that your name be removed.
Do not report our email as spam when messages are passed on from group emails.
You can reduce the risk of a message being caught by the spam filters by following certain basic steps including sending the message in plain text, moving attachments, avoiding keywords and expressions typically used by spammers and ensuring that your messages are scanned for malware before dispatch.
We provide a facility for our users and partners to send messages.
Users agree not to use these messaging facilities for any other services other than normal business communications and the delivery of our newsfeed.
We may change this antispam policy at any stage.
NewsX.mediais a Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales, Company Number 14370436, whose Registered Office is at 30 Saint Georges Place, Canterbury, Kent, England, CT1 1UT. Our main email address is
We are a media organisation who operates from the Website (which includes all Content on it) NewsX (the Website) and that also distributes material (Content) from our affiliates Newsflash Gmbh, Golders Ltd, Real Press Ltd, Eastern Video Ltd trading as Clipzilla, and AsiaWire for which the sameanti-spam policy applies.
You can contact us using the contact form on this page or via email